Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement
Volume 19, issue 3, Septembre 2021
Gériatrie et gérontologie. Éditorial
Advocacy for the creation of a socio-medical clinical practice abilities
Gilles Berrut
Free Access
Gériatrie et gérontologie. Faits et commentaires
How staff members of 17 French nursing homes protected their residents from Covid-19
Joël Belmin, Nathavy Um Din, Sylvie Pariel, Carmelo Lafuente-Lafuente
Free Access
Gériatrie et gérontologie. Synthèses
Which quality of life for the sarcopenic patient?
Charlotte Beaudart, Marc Bonnefoy, Thomas Gilbert, Elena Paillaud, Agathe Raynaud-Simon, Olivier Guérin, Claude Jeandel, Bruno Le Sourd, Max Haine, Monique Ferry, Yves Rolland, Gilles Berrut, Jean-Yves Reginster, Olivier Bruyère
Free Access
Risk factors of readmission into emergency department in patients aged 75 or older: a systematic review
Camille Cande, Mustafa Sebbane, Xavier Bobbia, Pierre-Géraud Claret, Cédric Le Guillou, Achille Tchalla, Hubert Blain
Free Access
Gériatrie et gérontologie. Articles originaux
Lived experience, perceptions, and expectations of close relatives of nursing home residents and strength-based nursing, a phenomenological approach
Charlotte Havreng-Théry, François Bertin-Hugault, Philippe Zawieja, Joël Belmin, Monique Rothan-Tondeur
Free Access
Covid-19 serology in nursing home and long-term care: prevalence of seroconversion in the Amiens-Picardie University Hospital
Julien Moyet, Cédric Joseph, Etienne Brochot, Isabelle Defouilloy, Thierry Brasseur, Camélia Smarandache, Samir Boutalha, Sandrine Castelain, Jean-Luc Schmit, Frédéric Bloch
Free Access
Criteria of early limitation of transfer in intensive care unit of patients aged 75 and over hospitalized in an acute geriatric unit
Jérémie Vovelle, Jeremy Barben, Agnès Camus, Anca-Maria Mihai, Mélanie Dipanda, Valentine Nuss, Caroline Laborde, Sophie Putot, Alain Putot, Patrick Manckoundia
Free Access
Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Éditorial
Christian Derouesné
Free Access
Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Synthèses
Therapeutic trials in dementia with Lewy bodies: a systematic review of the literature
Matthieu Sacrez, Margot Lamothe, Lucie Rauch, Anne Botzung, Frédéric Blanc
Free Access
Paradoxical reactions to benzodiazepines in the elderly
Christine Champion, Teddy Novais, Jean-Michel Dorey, Pierre Krolak-Salmon, Alexis Lepetit
Free Access
Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Articles originaux
Assessment of the knowledge of Lewy body disease by health care professionnels compared to Alzheimer's disease: result of a descriptive analytical study
Antoine Brangier, Nathalie Jomard, Alice Duvivier, Claire Paquet, Frédéric Blanc
Free Access
Animal-assisted intervention and agitation in patients with dementia: evaluation in a special care unit by the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory
Stanislas Latoch, Stéphane Carnein, Robert Kohler, Frédéric Blanc, Thomas Vogel, Georges Kaltenbach
Free Access
Prospective memory, emotions and Alzheimer's disease
Mohamed Graa, Anne-Marie Ergis
Free Access
Writing in prodromal and mild dementia with Lewy bodies: an exploratory and preliminary study
Tiphaine Monvoisin-Joly, Emmanuelle Furcieri, Eléna Chabran, Frédéric Blanc
Free Access
Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Agenda
Free Access