Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement

Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du  Vieillissement

Gériatrie & Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement is devoted to geriatrics, the result of a collective reflection on the place of this specialty in international literature, and to the psychology of the elderly and brain disorders associated with aging.
Recognized for its scientific quality, this is the first French-language geriatric and psychological journal to be indexed in the main international databases. It covers all the medical, psychological, health and social aspects of monitoring and caring for the elderly.
Whether you're a psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, geriatrician or gerontologist, you'll find this original and unique approach a genuine tool for training, reflection and exchange, essential to your professional practice.

Gériatrie & Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement is the official journal of the Société française de gériatrie et de gérontologie (SFGG), the Société francophone de psychogériatrie et de psychiatrie de la personne âgée (SF3PA) and the Association des jeunes gériatres (AJG).



Directeur de la publication / Publication director

Gilles Cahn

Geriatrics - Biology of aging
Editor in chief
Gilles Berrut (Nantes)

Associate Editors
Pr Cédric Annweiler (Angers)
Dr Anne Sophie Boureau (Nantes)

Editorial Board

Olivier Beauchet (Angers),
Athanase Benetos (Nancy),
Armelle Gentric (Brest),
Serge Cuérin (Paris)
Pierre Olivier Lang (Genève),
Marc Paccalin (Poitiers),
Frédérique Retornaz,
Yves Rolland (Toulouse)
Abrar-Ahmad Zulfiqar (Rouen)


Psychology and Neuropsychiatry
Editor in chief
Marie-Christine Gély-Nargeot (Montpellier)

Associate Editors
Marc Verny (Paris)

Editorial Board
Frédéric Blanc (Strasbourg)
Désirée Lopis (Nanterre)
Eloi Magnin (Besançon)
Louise-Laure Mariani (Paris),
Christine Moroni (Villeneuve d’Ascq)
Pascale Piolino (Boulogne-Billancourt)
Jean Roche (Lille)
Anne-Julie Vaillant-Ciszewicz (Nice)
Pierre Vandel (Besançon)

Joint Scientific Council
Stéphane Adam (Liège),
Jean-Pierre Aquino (Versailles),
Serge Bakchine (Reims),
Nadine Bazin (Versailles),
Serge Belliard(Rennes),
Sylvie Belleville (Montréal),
Howard Bergman (Canada),
Hubert Blain (Montpellier),
Marc Bonnefoy (Lyon),
Vincent Camus (Tours),
Pierre-Marie Charazac (Lyon),
Philippe Chassagne (Rouen),
Geneviève Coudin (Boulogne-Billancourt),
Bernard Croisile (Lyon),
Anne-Marie Ergis (Boulogne-Billancourt),
Francis Eustache (Caen),
Françoise Forette (Paris),
Alain Franco (Nice),
Tamàs Fülöp (Sherbrooke),  
Olivier Guérin (Nice),
Olivier Hanon (Paris),
François Hermann (Genève),
Caroline Hommet (Tours),
Paule Hottin (Sherbrooke),
ClaudeJeandel (Montpellier),
Florence Lebert (Lille),
Bernard-François Michel (Marseille),
Jean-Pierre Michel (Genève),
Olivier Moreaud (Grenoble),
Pierre-Jean Ousset (Toulouse),
Jérôme Pellerin (Ivry),
François Piette (Paris),
François Puiseux (Lille),
Natalie Rigaux (Namur),
François Sellal (Colmar),
Bernadette Ska (Montréal),
Christian Swine (Bruxelles), Catherine Thomas-Antérion (Saint-Etienne),
Jacques Treton (Paris),
Martial Van der Linden (Liège),
Bruno Vellas (Toulouse),
Benoit Verdon (Boulogne-Billancourt)
Sophie Auriacombe (Bordeaux)