Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence
The Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence is aimed at all emergency professionals and publishes original articles, reviews of the literature and clinical cases in all areas of emergency medicine, particularly the more specific areas of assessing severity, triage and patient referral.
Order an issue >Bulletin du Cancer
From Biology to Clinical practice : a modern approach of oncology
Order an issue >Bulletin Infirmier du Cancer
The first training journal aimed specifically at nurses working in oncology
Order an issue >Douleur et analgésie
Created in 1988, Douleur et analgésie is the first French-language international journal devoted to pain.
Order an issue >Environnement, Risques & Santé
Official Journal of the SFSE and the first cross-disciplinary journal on environmental health
Order an issue >Epileptic Disorders
The Educational e-Journal of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE)
Order an issue >European Journal of Dermatology
Internationally renowned journal for dermatologists and scientists
Order an issue >Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement
Official Journal of the SP3PA, AJG and official partner of the SBGG and the SFGG
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Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive
The official journal of SNFGE, SFED, FFCD, AFEF and CFP.
Order an issue >Innovations & Thérapeutiques en Oncologie
The scientific journal of Unicancer, published in partnership with the AERIO and SFjRO
Order an issue >La Lettre de l'Internat
The journal which helps residents to be aware of the latest professional and health policy developments.
Order an issue >L'Orthodontie Française
L'Orthodontie Française, official communication organ of the French Society of Dento-Facial Orthopaedics
Order an issue >Medecine
Médecine is an essential tool for all primary care providers, especially GPs
Order an issue >Médecine de la Reproduction
Official journal of the french Society for Reproductive Medecine
Order an issue >Médecine et chirurgie du pied
The journal Médecine et chirurgie du Pied focuses on the pathology and physiology of the foot and ankle.
Order an issue >Médecine et Santé Tropicales
L'expertise la plus moderne de la santé tropicale indexée Medline
Order an issue >Médecine thérapeutique / Endocrinologie
PREVIOUS VERSION : Archives of MT/ Médecine de la Reproduction Gynécologie,Endocrinologie
1999 - 2004
Médecine Thérapeutique / médecine de la reproduction
PREVIOUS VERSION : Archives of MT/ Médecine de la Reproduction Gynécologie et Endocrinologie
2005 - 2007
Médecine thérapeutique / Pédiatrie
The Thematic French Journal in the field of Pediatrics
Order an issue >Néphrologie & Thérapeutique
Journal of the Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation (SFNDT) and the Société de Néphrologie Pédiatrique (SNP)
Order an issue >Périnatalité
Périnatalité is a cross-disciplinary journal for all those involved in childbirth, open to users and specialists in the human sciences.
Order an issue >Psychologie & NeuroPsychiatrie du vieillissement
Multidisciplinary journal around the ageing of the brain
2003 - 2010
Revue de neuropsychologie
A real reference in neuropsychology and official Journal of the SNLF
Public Health
Cahiers d'études et de recherches francophones / Santé
A global approach to health and development
1991 - 2012
Les Tribunes de la Santé
La revue d’analyse et de prospective sur la santé et l’assurance maladie
Order an issue >Biology and research
Annales de Biologie Clinique
The link beetween Research, Biology and Clinical practice and official journal of the SFBC
Order an issue >European Cytokine Network
The journal covering all the disciplines related to cytokines
Order an issue >Journal de Pharmacie Clinique
The reference journal in French for all professionals Pharmacists in health care institutions
Order an issue >Magnesium Research
Official organ of the international Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium
Order an issue >Agronomy
Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
The sum of knowledge on desertification and combating drought
Order an issue >Law & environment
Info & communication
Management & administration
Gestion & finances publiques
The reference journal for public finance professionals
Table of contents >Revue Française de Gestion
Articles and points of view from practitioners and researchers on the evolution of management sciences, techniques and practices
Table of contents >