Environnement, Risques & Santé

Environnement, Risques & Santé

Launched in response to the information needs of the various actors on the environmental scene, Environnement, Risques & Santé is a cross-disciplinary journal covering all subjects that involve the environment and health.
Climatology, toxicology, epidemiology, biophysics, earth and water sciences, the study of radiation…: all the health issues relevant to those fields are studied in Environnement, Risques & Santé, from identifying health risks to examining legislation and standards.
Environnement, Risques & Santé intersperses original articles with summary reports on the state of international research and scientific debate, under the supervision of three completely independent Editorial Boards.
Thanks to its wealth of content and to the expertise of the Editorial Board members – all leading experts in their fields – Environnement, Risques & Santé sets out to be the scientific benchmark on environmental health.

Environnement Risques et Santé is the official magazine of the Society francophone Health and Environment (SFSE).


Volume 23, issue 4, July-August 2024

Pressions anthropiques globales sur la santé humaine - Enjeux et solutions de l'international au local pour la mise en œuvre du concept « Une seule santé »


En accès libre Pressions anthropiques globales sur la santé humaine - Enjeux et solutions de l’international au local pour la mise en œuvre du concept « Une seule santé »
Yves Levi, Serge Morand
Free Access

Articles originaux/Original Articles

Article Full health as a compass and a shield
Éloi Laurent

Article Changes in the impact of atmospheric pollution on mortality between 2009 and 2019 within the area covered by the Toulouse Atmosphere Protection Plan
Patrice Poinat, Sandrine Cheniki, Cyrille Delpierre, Inca Ruiz, Magali Corso, Olivier Chanel, Sylvie Cassadou

Article Multi-criteria model to characterise and reduce municipal vulnerability to the potential health impacts of climate change on population health
Hiago Pereira Barbosa, Anne Roué-Le Gall, Marie-Florence Thomas

Article Towards a symbiotic architecture. Nature and architecture: an antagonism?
Nicolas Boucher, Simon Davies

See full Table of contents >


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Editorial policy

Here you will find all JLE policies regarding publication in our journals. JLE journals follow the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors). These guidelines are the reference for best practices and ethical standards for the conduct and presentation of research and other information published in medical journals.


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