Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive

Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive

Volume 29, issue 7, September 2022

Special feature: Small bowel adenocarcinoma


Volume 29, issue 7, September 2022


En accès libre Is organ preservation a goal for all rectal cancers? (p.777-82)
Stéphane Benoist
Free Access


Article Sleep disorders, immunity and inflammatory bowel diseases (p.783-91)
Maelys Cheviakoff, Camille Meunier, Helena Hadjisavvas, Aurore Rozières, Anne-Laure Charlois, Mathias Faure, Laure Peter-Derex, Stéphane Nancey

Article Obesity and IBD: consequences and treatment (p.792-7)
Pauline Veyrard, Xavier Roblin

Article Endoscopic sigmoidopexy: an alternative option to sigmoidectomy for recurrent volvulus of the sigmoid colon (p.798-802)
Salomé Ouazana, Emmanuel Coron, Marc Le Rhun, Marianne Le Rhun, Lucille Quénéhervé, Xavier Dray

Article Metastastic colorectal cancer: second line treatment in the era of personalized medicine (p.803-10)
Marie Muller, Astrid Lièvre

Article Safety of immunosuppressants in Crohn’s disease: focus on methotrexate (p.811-5)
Mathurin Fumery

Dossier thématique : Cancer de l’intestin grêle

Article Pré-test QCM (p.818-9)
Thomas Aparicio

Mise au point

Article Small bowel adenocarcinoma (p.821-30)
Thomas Aparicio, Atanas Pachev, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Magali Svrcek

Cas clinique

Article Small bowel adenocarcinoma complicating the development of Crohn’s disease: Particularities and prognosis (p.831-7)
Jean-Marc Gornet

Revue bibliographique

Article Small bowel adenocarcinoma: at least some large series! (p.838-40)
Émilie Moati, Aziz Zaanan

Entretien avec l'expert

Article Small bowel adenocarcinoma: a rare tumour that needs to be better known (p.841-3)
Sylvain Manfredi

Article Post-test > QCM (p.844-6)
Thomas Aparicio


Article A systematic review and meta-analysis of somatostatin analogues in patients with gastrointestinal angiodysplasias: efficacy and response predictors (p.847-52)
Louis Calméjane, Mathieu Uzzan

Article Immunotherapy and chemotherapy, a new frontline standard for metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma (volume 2) (p.853-60)
David Sefrioui

Article Does the use of proton pump inhibitors alter the prognosis of patients with cirrhosis? (p.861-5)
Alexandre Pariente

Article No benefit of antibiotics in preventing post-polypectomy syndrome after colorectal submucosal dissection, results of a randomized controlled trial (p.866-8)
Sophie Geyl, Jérémie Albouys, Jérémie Jacques

Article Intracystic glucose: a valuable tool for detecting pancreatic mucinous preneoplastic cysts? (p.869-73)
Diane Lorenzo, Louis de Mestier


Article A brief history of the College of Physicians: “l’Ordre des médecins” (p.874-7)
Jean-Louis Payen


Article À retenir du n°6 Juin 2022 (p.878-80)