Environnement, Risques & Santé
Volume 22, issue 6, November-December 2023
Volume 22, issue 6, November-December 2023
Ignorance and agnotology
Jean-Claude Andre
Free Access
The relationship between science, scientists and society is a hot topic
Luc Foulquier
Free Access
Articles originaux/Original Articles
The role of science in Environmental Health policy decisions: collective expertise and targeted research funding
Jean Lesne
Citizen empowerment and new technology: the example of the 5G debate in Nantes
Antoine Perfettini
Points de vue/Points of View
Citizenship, science and power: from the co-production of knowledge to the co-construction of legitimate and fair decisions
Charlotte Marchandise
The role of the media in sharing expertise
Sylvestre Huet
Brèves/News from the Literature
News from the literature
Christophe Rousselle, Corinne Mandin
L’Alliance Santé Biodiversité
Gilles Pipien
Laurence Clasquin
Ouvrages parus/Recent Publications
Analyses d’ouvrages
Luc Foulquier
Bloc-notes et remerciements/Notepad and Thank You Note
Notepad and thank you note