Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 90, issue 12, Décembre 2003
Volume 90, issue 12, Décembre 2003
Érythropoïétine et anémie : quand la qualité de vie et la survie s‘opposent
Jérôme Fayette
Open Access
La topoisomérase I au cœur de l‘épissage alternatif
Philippe Jeanteur
Open Access
Point sur...
Breast cancer screening after age 70
Catherine Hill
Conditionally replicative adenoviruses: a second wind for cancer gene therapy
Jacques Grill, Birgit Geoerger, Martine Lamfers, Clemens Dirven, Victor Van Beusechem, Winald Gerritsen, Gilles Vassal
Sentinel node identification in breast cancer
Rémy J. Salmon, Anne Marcollet, Virginie Doridot, Krishna‐B. Clough
Target on molecular therapies in lung cancer
Yannick Le Guen, Laure Sabatier, Thierry Le Chevalier, Jean‐Charles Soria
Intra‐abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor in childhood: case report and review of the literature
Mohamed Jellouli, Mongi Mekki, Imed Krichene, Abdelfattah Zakhama, Mohsen Belghith, Riadh Jouini, Lassaad Sahnoun, Soumaya Rammeh, Abdelaziz Harbi, Abdellatif Nouri
Standards, Options et Recommandations
Clinical practice guidelines: Standards, Options and Recommendations for the diagnosis of carcinomas of unknown primary site
Groupe de travail : Thierry Lesimple, Jean‐Jacques Voigt, Anne Bataillard, Jean‐Michel Coindre, Stéphane Culine, Alain Lortholary, Yacine Merrouche, Gérard Ganem, Marie‐Christine Kaminsky, Sylvie Negrier, Maurice Perol, Pierre Bedossa, Gérard Bertrand, Roland Bugat, Karim Fizazi
Bisphosphonates, pain and quality of life in metastatic breast cancer patients: a literature review
Célia Roemer‐Becuwe, Ivan Krakowski, Thierry Conroy
External beam radiation therapy and interstitial brachytherapy in the treatment of anal canal carcinomas: a series of 70 patients
Jean‐Bernard Dubois, David Azria, Marc Ychou
Ai‐je bien lu ?
par Maurice Schneider