Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 90, issue 1, Janvier 2003
Volume 90, issue 1, Janvier 2003
Actualités en Cancérologie
Paul Cappelaere
Current concepts on apoptotic signalling pathways: new targets for anticancer strategies
Evelyne Ségal-Bendirdjian, Josette Hillion, Chafké Ahmed Belmokhtar
Clinical development of anti-angiogenic agents in 2002
Thomas Bachelot, Emmanuel Jouanneau, Jean-Yves Blay
Perspectives on the oncologist pharmacopœia
Amélie Lansiaux, Christian Bailly
Tissue microarrays a powerful tool in transfer and quality control in oncology
Jocelyne Jacquemier, Christophe Ginestier, François Bertucci, Emmanuelle Charafe Jauffret, Jeanine Geneix, Daniel Birnbaum
Chemotherapy for patients with local-regional recurrent or metastatic carcinoma of the head and neck
Armelle Dufresne, Marie Gainet, Ulrich Stein, Emmanuel Guardiola, Xavier Pivot
News in the medical treatment of breast cancer
Martine Piccart, Emmanuelle Dochy, Fatima Cardoso
Bladder cancer: realities and perspectives
Yves Chrétien, Stéphane Oudard, Catherine Durdux
Gastro-intestinal stromal tumors: news and comments
Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Axel Le Cesne, Véronique Michallet, Ioannis Boukovinas, Dominique Ranchere, P. Thiesse, Vincent Baty, Jean-Yves Blay
Hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer
Christophe Penna
Chemotherapy of adult solid tumours
Georges Noël, Jean-Jacques Mazeron, Vincent Favaudon
Actualities in geriatric oncology
Catherine Terret, Sylvain Gaujard, Jean-Pierre Droz
Economic assessment, a field between clinical research and observational studies
Robert Launois
Cancer and law
Anne Sophie Moulin, Jean-Pierre Lotz
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