Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 89, issue 10, Octobre 2002
Volume 89, issue 10, Octobre 2002
Beyond the tumor, the human being
Paul Cappelaere
Beware of magic pills
Gilles L'Allemain
Obituary: Negib Taleb
Antoine Ghossain, Jean Bernard, Jean-Pierre Armand
2002 Nobel Prize in physiology and Medecine
Philippe Jeanteur, Simon Galas
Detection of the sentinel node by the surgeon
Jean-François Rodier
Development of relaxation techniques in oncology
Sandrine Cayrou, Sylvie Dolbeault
Standards, Options et Recommandations
2000 Standards, Options and Recommendations for prognostic value of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in non small cell lung cancer
Jeanne-Marie Bréchot, groupe de travail SOR
Standards, Options and Recommendations for the management of patient with carcinoma of unknown primary site
Roland Bugat, groupe de travail SOR
Articles originaux
Management of advanced seminoma: retrospective study of 96 patients
Emmanuelle Bompas, Aude Fléchon, Pierre Biron, Jean-Pierre Droz
Interest of studying the in vitro genotoxicity of an antineoplastic drug on healthy human cells: paclitaxel example
Laurence Digue, Thierry Orsière, Marjorie Baciuchka-Palmaro, Florence Duffaud, Jocelyne Pompili, Roger Favre, Alain Botta
La personne au-delà de la tumeur
Difficulties in coping with treatment: causes, solutions
Daniel Oppenheim, Nadège Corradini, Dominique Valteau-Couanet, Olivier Hartmann
Tribune libre
Adjuvant therapy for breast cancer patients: treatment decision tree from a French cancer network
Thomas Bachelot, Isabelle Ray-Coquard, David Coeffic, Hugues Barletta, Marie-Claude Gouttebel, Bernard Mayer, Thierry Muron, Guy de Laroche, Michel Vincent, Fadila Farsi, Thierry Philip
Cancer patients' participation in medical decisions
Bernard Hœrni
La SFC communique
Progrès en chirurgie oncologique
Diplôme - Congrès - Conférences - Cours - Séminaires…