Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 86, issue 4, Avril 1999
Volume 86, issue 4, Avril 1999
Articles originaux
Mutation by deletion-insertion in BRCA-1 gene in three unrelated French breast/ovarian cancer families: possible implication of a mobile element
Nadège Presneau, Valérie Laplace-Marieze, Valérie Sylvain, Alain Lortholary, Agnès Hardouin, Dominique Bernard-Gallon, Yves-Jean Bignon
High dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support in the treatment of germ cell tumors: experience of the centre Léon-Bérard between 1982 and 1996
Aude Fléchon, Pierre Biron, Irène Philip, Jean-Yves Blay, Jean-Pierre Droz
Cell cycle regulation after exposure to ionizing radiation
Franck Teyssier, Jacques-Olivier Bay, Claude Dionet, Pierre Verrelle
Mechanisms of BTG2 activity, a transcriptional target of p53: evidences and hypothesis
Alain Puisieux, Jean-Pierre Magaud
Point sur…
Amélie Lansiaux, Jean-Pierre Hénichart, Christian Bailly
Usefulness of a pharmacokinetic approach for clinical antineoplastic chemotherapy evaluation
François Lokiec
Standards, Options et Recommandations
Standards, Options and Recommendations (SOR) for clinical care of malignant thymoma
Groupe de travail SOR : Pierre Ruffié, Guillaume Gory-Delabaere, Béatrice Fervers, Michel Lehmann, Jean-François Regnard, Michel Resbeut