Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 96, issue 11, novembre 2009
Electronic journal of oncology
Implication of HIC1 (Hypermethylated In Cancer 1) in the DNA damage response
Vanessa Dehennaut, Dominique Leprince
Trois pionniers de la science récompensés pour le début de la fin des chromosomes
Pr Jean-François Riou
In memoriam
Hommage à Pierre May (1925-2009)
Brigitte Debuire
L’inactivation de p53 intervient dans la reprogrammation de cellules différenciées en cellules iPS (induced Pluripotent Cells) et facilite l’induction d’un phénotype malin
C-J Larsen
Mutations du gène BRCA1 et développement de la glande mammaire
Jean Bénard
Article original
New influenza A (H1N1) pandemia and cancer patients: what do we do?
J Barrière, J Otto, E Cua, G Coindard, F Peyrade
PET/CT in breast cancer: an update
D Groheux, J-L Moretti, S Giacchetti, E Hindié, P Teyton, C Cuvier, G Bousquet, J-L Misset, C Boin, M Espié
Formation SFC
Using medical imaging for a comprehensive breast cancer screening program
M-H Dilhuydy
Positron emission tomography and evaluation of response to targeted therapies
Hélène Gauthier
Radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of liver and lung tumors
J Palussière, E Descat, M Fonck, F Bonichon, F Chomy, Y Bécouarn, A Avril, M Kind, A Ravaud
Liver chemoembolization: an update
Alain Roche
Interventional radiology procedures in the treatment of bone metastasis
Jean Palussière, Florence Dixmerias, Xavier Buy, Edouard Descat, Françoise Bonichon, Marc Debled, Vincent Pointillart, Afshin Gangi
Imaging in oncology and international rules for evaluation: the nuclear medicine
Jean-Cyril Bourre, Jean-Philippe Vuillez
Radiological digital imaging: a new tool for the patient medical file
M Kind