Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 92, issue 1, Janvier 2005
Volume 92, issue 1, Janvier 2005
The frequency of cancer in France in year 2000, and trends since 1950
Catherine Hill, Françoise Doyon
Regulation of telomeres length: getting access to telomeres
Jean-François Riou, Dennis Gomez, Jean-Louis Mergny, Lionel Guittat, Rajaa Paterski, Benoît Chenais, Hamid Morjani, Chantal Trentesaux
Cell death signalling: recent advances and therapeutic application
Evelyne Ségal-Bendirdjian, Charles Dudognon, Julie Mathieu, Josette Hillion, Françoise Besançon
Oncogenes and thyroid tumors
Ludovic Lacroix, Jean Charles Soria, Jean Michel Bidart, Martin Schlumberger
Role of non invasive animal imaging in preclinical anticancer drug development
Nicolas Guilbaud, Olivier Duchamp, Nathalie Just, Philippe Genne
HPV and cancer
Jean-Philippe Spano, Anne-Genevieve Marcelin, Guislaine Carcelin
Radiofrequency in cancerology
Thierry de Baere
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia: recent progress in biology and therapeutic strategies
Ali G Turhan
Respiratory gated radiotherapy: the 4D radiotherapy
Philippe Giraud, Luc Simon, Marie Saliou, François Reboul, Robin Garcia, Christian Carrie, Ulrike Lerolle, Jean-Claude Rosenwald, Jean-Marc Cosset
Perspectives in biological modulation of radiotherapy
Eric Deutsch, Florence Huguet
Gene regulation and bioinformatics
Adeline Bichet, David Polverari, Alain Malpertuy
European Directives for clinical research and the new french law
Claude Huriet
Ai‐je bien lu ?
Maurice Schneider
Electronic journal of oncology
Sequential administration of docetaxel followed by cisplatin-vindesine: a pilot study in patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Olivier Rixe, Michel Gatineau, Eric Jauffret, Jean-Philippe Spano, Brigitte Orcel, Jean-Michel Vannetzel, Jocelyne Berille, Jean-Philippe Derenne, David Khayat
Results of a phase II trial of concurrent chemoradiation in the treatment of locally advanced carcinoma of uterine cervix: an experience from India
Elantholi P Saibishkumar, Firuza D Patel, Suresh C Sharma
Comprendre et expliquer, soigner et guérir
Paul Cappelaere