Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive

Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive

Volume 31, issue 1, January 2024

Special feature: Serrated polyps and polyposis


Volume 31, issue 1, January 2024


En accès libre Did you say SEQUENCE? (p.11-3)
Xavier Roblin, Mathilde Barrau, Stéphane Nancey
Free Access


Article Endoscopic management of superficial esophageal cancers in 2024 (p.14-28)
Victor Prouvost, Emmanuel Coron, Maximilien Barret, Marine Verdier, Nicolas Chapelle

Article Towards personalized medicine with anti-TNF? Not yet… (p.29-32)
Xavier Roblin, Mathilde Barrau

Article IBD and obesity: the vicious cycle (p.33-42)
Léa Sequier, Bénédicte Caron, Ludovic Caillo, Romain Altwegg, Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, David Meyre, Djésia Arnone

Article What are the causes of death after liver transplantation? (p.43-9)
Flora Charpy, Magdalena Meszaros, Georges-Philippe Pageaux

Article Colorectal cancers operated on with curative intent: Which monitoring? (p.51-8)
Clémence Descourvières, Côme Lepage

Article Advanced cholangiocarcinomas: second-line systemic therapies in the erea of personalized medicine (p.59-64)
Matthieu Delaye, Astrid Lièvre, Marine Jary, Éric Assenat, Jean-Frédéric Blanc

Dossier thématique : Polypes et polyposes festonnés

Article Pre-test (p.66-7)

Mise au point

Article Serrated polyps and serrated polyposis: what every hepato-gastroenterologist needs to know (p.68-76)
Antoine Assaf, Marion Dhooge, Arthur Belle, Félix Corre, Juliette Leroux, Anna Pellat, Marine Carpentier-Pourquier, Rachel Hallit, Lisa Lellouche, Catherine Brezault, Vered Abitbol, Stanislas Chaussade, Romain Coriat, Maximilien Barret

Cas clinique

Article An appendicular polyp in polyposis serrated: How should it be managed in practice? (p.77-80)
Antoine Assaf, Maximilien Barret

Revue bibliographique

Article Serrated polyps and serrated polyposis: recent data from the literature (p.81-4)
Antoine Assaf, Maximilien Barret

Entretien avec l'expert

Article How do I manage a patient with serrated polyposis syndrome? With Dr Marion Dhooge, gastroenterologist, digestive oncologist, and oncogenetician (p.85-7)
Marion Dhooge

Article Post-test (p.88-90)


Article Dupilumab: a novel treatment for eosinophilic esophagitis (p.91-5)
Zlata Chkolnaia, Mathieu Uzzan

Article Prospect, the end of the reign of preoperative chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer (p.96-102)
David Sefrioui

Article In the presence of a stable branch duct IPMN for five years, do we have the right to stop monitoring? (p.103-6)
Christelle d’Engremont

Article Treating the cause reduces further decompensation and death risk in patients with first ascites complicating cirrhosis (p.107-10)
Alexandre Pariente

Article EUS-guided gallbladder drainage: When to stop? (p.111-5)
Rémi Collin, Jérémie Jacques


Article The ANGH (Association Nationale des hépato-Gastroentérologues des Hôpitaux) beginnings: friends first! (p.116-22)
Alexandre Pariente

Note de lecture

Article Au fil de nos entrailles (p.123-4)
Philippe Lévy


Article À retenir du n°10 Décembre 2023 (p.125-7)