Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive
Volume 31, issue 1, January 2024
Special feature: Serrated polyps and polyposis
Volume 31, issue 1, January 2024
Did you say SEQUENCE?
Xavier Roblin, Mathilde Barrau, Stéphane Nancey
Free Access
Endoscopic management of superficial esophageal cancers in 2024
Victor Prouvost, Emmanuel Coron, Maximilien Barret, Marine Verdier, Nicolas Chapelle
Towards personalized medicine with anti-TNF? Not yet…
Xavier Roblin, Mathilde Barrau
IBD and obesity: the vicious cycle
Léa Sequier, Bénédicte Caron, Ludovic Caillo, Romain Altwegg, Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, David Meyre, Djésia Arnone
What are the causes of death after liver transplantation?
Flora Charpy, Magdalena Meszaros, Georges-Philippe Pageaux
Colorectal cancers operated on with curative intent: Which monitoring?
Clémence Descourvières, Côme Lepage
Advanced cholangiocarcinomas: second-line systemic therapies in the erea of personalized medicine
Matthieu Delaye, Astrid Lièvre, Marine Jary, Éric Assenat, Jean-Frédéric Blanc
Dossier thématique : Polypes et polyposes festonnés
Mise au point
Serrated polyps and serrated polyposis: what every hepato-gastroenterologist needs to know
Antoine Assaf, Marion Dhooge, Arthur Belle, Félix Corre, Juliette Leroux, Anna Pellat, Marine Carpentier-Pourquier, Rachel Hallit, Lisa Lellouche, Catherine Brezault, Vered Abitbol, Stanislas Chaussade, Romain Coriat, Maximilien Barret
Cas clinique
An appendicular polyp in polyposis serrated: How should it be managed in practice?
Antoine Assaf, Maximilien Barret
Revue bibliographique
Serrated polyps and serrated polyposis: recent data from the literature
Antoine Assaf, Maximilien Barret
Entretien avec l'expert
How do I manage a patient with serrated polyposis syndrome? With Dr Marion Dhooge, gastroenterologist, digestive oncologist, and oncogenetician
Marion Dhooge
Dupilumab: a novel treatment for eosinophilic esophagitis
Zlata Chkolnaia, Mathieu Uzzan
Prospect, the end of the reign of preoperative chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer
David Sefrioui
In the presence of a stable branch duct IPMN for five years, do we have the right to stop monitoring?
Christelle d’Engremont
Treating the cause reduces further decompensation and death risk in patients with first ascites complicating cirrhosis
Alexandre Pariente
EUS-guided gallbladder drainage: When to stop?
Rémi Collin, Jérémie Jacques
The ANGH (Association Nationale des hépato-Gastroentérologues des Hôpitaux) beginnings: friends first!
Alexandre Pariente
Note de lecture
Au fil de nos entrailles
Philippe Lévy
À retenir du n°10 Décembre 2023