Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive
Volume 29, issue 9, November 2022
Special feature: Gastroparesis
Volume 29, issue 9, November 2022
Advocacy for the prevention of fistulas in ano-perineal Crohn’s disease
Vincent de Parades, Nadia Fathallah, Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet
Free Access
Is endoscopic resection of early esophageal tumors in the context of cirrhosis or portal hypertension feasible?
Mathilde Simonnot, Jean-Baptiste Chevaux, Marion Schaefer
Thrombotic molecular mechanisms in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases
Célia Schellenberg, Véronique Regnault, Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, Patrick Lacolley, Jérémy Lagrange
Proctological procedures that can be performed in consultation
Claire Sabat, Vincent de Parades, Élise Pommaret, Anne-Laure Rentien, Amine Alam, Nadia Fathallah
Hepatocellular carcinoma: identification of patients at risk and screening
Nour Ben Yedder, Sarah Habès, Carelle Koudougou, Maëva Salimon, Yann Touchefeu
Brain metastases of colorectal and oesogastric cancers: epidemiology, carcinogenesis and management
Violaine Randrian
“Small” pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: who, why and when operated on?
Charles de Ponthaud, Julien de Martino, Sébastien Gaujoux
Dossier thématique : Gastroparésie
Pré-test QCM
Chloé Melchior, Guillaume Gourcerol
Mise au point
Place of functional explorations in gastroparesis
Guillaume Gourcerol
Cas clinique
A rare cause of gastroparesis
Frank Zerbib, Margot Biscay
Revue bibliographique
Endoscopy and gastroparesis: Where are we?
Raphael Olivier, Jérémie Jacques
Entretien avec l’expert
Refractory gastroparesis to medical treatment: interview with the Pr Benoît Coffin
Benoît Coffin
Post-test QCM
Chloé Melchior, Guillaume Gourcerol
Concepts et pratique
Is vedolizumab better in combination therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases?
Timothée Vigié, Mathieu Uzzan
Immunotherapy and rectal cancer, the revolution is underway
David Sefrioui
Pancreatoscopyguided lithotripsy for the treatment of obstructive pancreatic duct stones: Can it replace extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy?
Christelle d’Engremont
Liver injury after Covid vaccination
Alexandre Pariente
Surgery after endoscopic resection of a T1 colorectal cancer with an isolated deep submucosal invasion: is it still mandatory?
Félix Corre, Maximilien Barret, Stanislas Chaussade, Jérémie Jacques
Brève d’histoire
The « Saint-Lazare school » (1972-1981)
Antoine Cortot
The controversy is not always useless and comparison is not always right. Response to Imbert-Tarrerias et al. regarding live technical demonstrations
Philippe Lévy
Injections de rappel
À retenir du n°8 Octobre 2022