Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive

Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive

Volume 28, issue 7, September 2021

Special feature: Genetics of pancreatitis


Volume 28, issue 7, September 2021


En accès libre It's finally happening in esophageal cancer! (p.795-803)
Astrid Lièvre
Free Access


En accès libre Post-polypectomy colonoscopy surveillance (p.805-16)
Michel Robaszkiewicz, Gabriel Rahmi, Thierry Lecomte, Bernard Denis, Éric Vaillant, Olivier Gronier, Stanislas Chaussade, Et les membres des groupes de travail
Free Access


En accès libre Pregnancy and biologics: An update on the management of IBD patients at the time of pregnancy (p.817-24)
Xavier Roblin, Quentin Tournier
Free Access

En accès libre Anal fissure treatment: France against the world? (p.825-31)
Marine Guingand, Dominique Bouchard, Thierry Higuero, Véronique Vitton
Free Access

En accès libre Position of EUS-FNA in management of cystic tumours of the pancreas (p.832-9)
Ardavan Prost, Arthur Laquière
Free Access

En accès libre Main hereditary susceptibility syndromes to pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Diagnosis and screening (p.840-8)
Marie Muller, Cindy Neuzillet, Bruno Buecher
Free Access

Dossier thématique : Génétique de la pancréatite

En accès libre Pré-test QCM (p.850-1)

Free Access

Mise au point

En accès libre Genetics of pancreatitis (p.853-63)
Lucie Laurent, Vinciane Rebours
Free Access

Cas clinique

En accès libre The same mutation for two sisters but two dramatically different situations (p.864-7)
Laurent Bucchini, Vinciane Rebours
Free Access

Revue bibliographique

En accès libre Genetics of pancreatitis: A review of the literature (p.868-72)
Louis Buscail, Barbara Bournet
Free Access

Entretien avec les experts

En accès libre Genetics of pancreatitis: A view into the past and vision into the future (p.873-7)
David C. Whitcomb, Claude Férec, Vinciane Rebours
Free Access

En accès libre Post-test QCM (p.878-80)

Free Access


En accès libre Coeliac disease in adult patients: Are duodenal biopsies still necessary? (p.881-4)
Anthony Buisson
Free Access

En accès libre A randomized trial of home-based exercise in patients with cirrhosis: A negative but informative trial (p.885-8)
Alexandre Pariente
Free Access

En accès libre OTSC® clips in non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: The new reference? (p.889-95)
Thomas Lambin, Mathieu Pioche, Jérémie Jacques
Free Access

En accès libre Paradigm shift in the management of locally advanced rectal cancer with the PRODIGE 23 study (p.896-903)
David Sefrioui
Free Access

En accès libre Surufatinib in advanced extrapancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (p.904-8)
Marine Perrier, Louis de Mestier
Free Access


En accès libre History of FibroScan®: French genius serving the sicks (p.909-12)
Jean Louis Payen
Free Access


En accès libre A retenir du no 6 juin 2021 (p.913-6)

Free Access