Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 88, issue 6, Juin 2001
Volume 88, issue 6, Juin 2001
Gènes et Cancers
Fiche n°45 - WRN (RCQL3)
Thierry Soussi
Point sur…
The RB gene family and control of the cell cycle
Julien Sage
New insight into MyoD regulation: involvement in rhabdomyosarcoma pathway?
Lionel A. Tintignac, Marie-Pierre Leibovitch, Serge A. Leibovitch
Dossier thématique : Micrométastases et maladie résiduelle
"Micrometastases": the pathologist's point of view
Jean-Marc Guinebretière, Geneviève Contesso
Detection of micrometastases and circulating tumour cells using molecular biology technics in solid tumours
Gudrun Schleiermacher, Olivier Delattre
Residual disease: the hematologist's point of view
Bruno Quesnel, Claude Preudhomme
Micrometastases in pediatric oncology
Frédéric Bernard, Isabelle Aerts, Geneviève Margueritte, Jacques Astruc
Li-Fraumeni syndrome: update, new data and guidelines for clinical management
Thierry Frebourg, Anne Abel, Catherine Bonaiti-Pellie, Laurence Brugières, Pascaline Berthet, Brigitte Bressac-de Paillerets, Annie Chevrier, Agnès Chompret, Odile Cohen-Haguenauer, Olivier Delattre, Josué Feingold, Jean Feunteun, Didier Frappaz, Jean-Paul Fricker, Paul Gesta, Philippe Jonveaux, Chantal Kalifa, Catherine Lasset, Bruno Leheup, Jean-Marc Limacher, Michel Longy, Catherine Nogues, Daniel Oppenheim, Danièle Sommelet, Florent Soubrier, Claude Stoll, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Henri Tristant
Standards, Options et Recommandations
Standards, Options and Recommendations: a multidisciplinary program to promote evidence-based oncology
Béatrice Fervers, Pierre Bey, Dominique Maigne, Thierry Philip
Standards, Options and Recommendations for home parenteral or enteral nutrition in adult cancer patients
Stéphane Schneider, Marie-Pierre Blanc-Vincent, Gérard Nitenberg, Pierre Senesse, Patrick Bachmann, Virginie Colomb, Jean-Claude Desport, Guillaume Gory-Delabaere, David Kere, Bruno Raynard, Jean-Claude Melchior
Article original
Carcinoma of unknown primary site: 311 cases
Alain Lortholary, Sophie Abadie-Lacourtoisie, Olivier Guérin, Martine Mege, Gaëtan de Rauglaudre, Erick Gamelin
Tribune libre
Nosocomial infections in cancer treatment center
Nicolas Penel
La SFC communique
Prix du XXIe Forum de cancérologie
Congrès et enseignements