Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 89, issue 1, Janvier 2002
Volume 89, issue 1, Janvier 2002
Paul Cappelaere
Molecular mechanisms of oncogenic transformation: what's new?
Jean-Marie Blanchard
New concepts for the study of anticancer drug resistance
Jacques Robert
PPARdelta and PPARgamma: roles in fatty acids signalling, implication in tumorigenesis
Claire Bastie
News about... the proteasome inhibitor PS341
Gilles L'Allemain
What is new in renal cell carcinoma
Alain Ravaud, Jacques-Olivier Bay
News on screening, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic cancer
Bruno Chauvet, Arnauld Villers, Jean-Louis Davin, Sophie Nahon
News about testicular cancer
Alain Houlgatte, Louis-Marie Dourthe, Olivier Bernard
Recent progress and perspectives in lung cancer's management
Fabrice Barlesi, Céline Gimenez, Michèle Pibarot, Jean-Pierre Kleisbauer
Current insights in malignant pleural mesothelioma
Martin Bard, Denis Debrosse, Raffaele Caliandro, Philippe Girard, Dominique Grunenwald, Pierre Ruffié
What's, new in neoplastic diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues
Valérie Ugo, Ollivier Legrand, Alain Delmer, Bernard Rio, Nicole Casadevall, Jean-Pierre Marie
Actualities in lymphomas
Houchingue Eghbali, Pierre Soubeyran, Isabelle Soubeyran, Alain Monnerau, Sophie Cazorla
New trends in soft tissue sarcomas
Binh Nguyen Bui, Reza Tabrizi, Corinne Dagada, Nathalie Trufflandier, Eberhard Stöckle, Jean-Michel Coindre
Focusing on rhabdomyosarcomas in children
Christophe Bergeron, Dominique Ranchere-Vince, Perrine Berard-Marec
Current concepts on differenciated thyroid carcinoma
Lucie Karayan, Samy Hadjadj, Christian J. Larsen, Richard Maréchaud, Jean-Louis Kraimps
New trends in breast reconstruction
Philippe Rouanet, Marthe Duchêne, François Quenet
Current developments in neuro-oncology
Elie Louis, Antoine Carpentier, Jean-Yves Delattre
Update in medical informatics in oncology
Jean-François Laurent