Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 85, issue 9, Septembre 1998
Volume 85, issue 9, Septembre 1998
Articles originaux
Multicellular resistance: another mechanism for multidrug resistance?
Bernard Desoize, Delphine Gimonet, Jean-Claude Jardillier
Mitomycin-vinorelbine as second line chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer
Hugues Bourgeois, François Turpin, Mohamed Bouchada, Anne Volters, Frédérique Cvitkovic, Alain Goupil, Maud Janvier, Michèle Tubiana-Hulin, Patrick Soulié, Jacques Berlie, Monique Girard, Jacques Rouëssé
Surgery of lung metastases of breast cancer: analysis of 40 cases
Alain Livartowski, Alain Chapelier, Philippe Beuzedoc, Arnaud Dierick, Bernard Asselain, Philippe Dartevelle, Pierre Pouillart
What do gastroenterologists, surgeons and oncologists tell patients with colon cancer ? Results of a survey from the Northern France area
Antoine Adenis, Philippe Vennin, Bernard Hecquet
Cylin/CDK inhibitors of the 9p21 chromosomal region and hematological malignancies
Bruno Quesnel
Remaining indications for total mastectomy in breast carcinoma
Béatrice Wéber, Liliane Demange, Claude Rigaud, Arsenio Fernandes-Valoni
Unsolved questions about conservative treatment of infiltrating breast carcinoma
Cécile Zinzindohoué, Jean-Yves Bobin
Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis
Jean-Charles Soria, Christine Théodore, Alain Gerbaulet
Point sur…
How many cancers are cured?
Catherine Hill
Compte rendu de congrès
Molecular mechanisms of apoptosis regulation
Sandrine Faivre
Note technique
Le volume de distribution
Brigitte Tranchand, Claude-Joseph Ardiet