Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 96, special issue 1, Avancées des thérapeutiques ciblées dans les cancers ORL et thoraciques
Information on head, neck and lung cancers
É Dansin, J-L Lefebvre
Molecular aspects of head and neck, and lung cancer oncogenesis
Y Loriot, P Mordant, P Fouret, E Deutsch, J-C Soria
Chemoprevention in head and neck cancer and lung cancer
J Fayette, L Kiakouama
Targeting HER pathway in head and neck and thoracic cancers
F Barlesi, D Breen
Angiogenesis: a new therapeutic target of thoracic and laryngopharyngeal carcinoma
L Taillade, I Alexandre, B Billemont, J-B Meric, V Sultan-Amar, O Rixe
Targeting of the AKT-mTOR pathway in head and neck and lung cancer
S Vignot, S Haberer, B Besse
Radiotherapy and targeted therapies in head and neck carcinomas and NSCLC
A Bruna, J Bourhis