Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 94, supplement 5, numéro spécial, juillet 2007
Volume 94, supplement 5, numéro spécial, juillet 2007
Gilles L’Allemain, Jean-Charles Soria
Hypoxia and angiogenesis
Jean-Marc Simon
Experimental approaches to study in vivo angiogenesis
Witold Kilarski, Andreas Bikfalvi
Genetics and angiogenesis: the example of von Hippel-Lindau disease
Stéphane Richard, Charline Ladroue, Sophie Gad, Sophie Giraud, Betty Gardie
Oral drugs inhibiting the VEGF pathway
Stanislas Ropert, Olivier Mir, Jean-Pierre Armand
Are antiangiogenic antibodies universal for solid tumor?
Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Thomas Bachelot, Chadi Saba, Cyrille Confavreux, Jean-François Brantus, Fadi Rustam, Hervé Ghesquière, Catherine Sebban, Pierre Biron, Jean-Paul Guastalla, Jean-Yves Blay
Angiogenesis and radiotherapy (vessels, anaemia, oxygen and radiosensitivity)
Éric Lartigau
Angiogenesis and breast cancer
Thomas Bachelot, Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Philippe Cassier, Jean-Yves Blay
Anti-angiogenic treatment and colorectal cancer
Thierry André, Christophe Tournigand, Fadi Abbas, Christophe Louvet, Aimery de Gramont
Angiogenesis and lung cancer
Maurice Pérol, Dominique Arpin
Angiogenesis and renal cell carcinoma
Bertrand Billemont, Jean-Baptiste Méric, Hassan Izzedine, Laurent Taillade, Valentine Sultan-Amar, Olivier Rixe
Angiogenesis and hematologic malignancy
Jean-Marc Zini, Gérard Tobelem
Imaging and angiogenesis : DCE-US (dynamic contrast enhanced-ultrasonography)
Nathalie Lassau, Alain Roche
Circulating endothelial cells: biomarkers for monitoring activity of antiangiogenic therapy
Françoise Farace, Jean-Michel Bidart
Cutaneous side effects of antiangiogenic agents
Caroline Robert