Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 94, issue 4, Avril 2007
Volume 94, issue 4, Avril 2007
Electronic Journal of Oncology
Dependence receptors: when apoptosis controls tumor progression
Agnès Bernet, Patrick Mehlen
Adolescents et cancer, un champ nouveau de la recherche soutenue par la Ligue nationale contre le cancer
Franck Chauvin
Les bizarreries du génome stromal d’une tumeur maligne
Jean Bénard
Open Access
PTEN, gardien de la stabilité du génome : un mode d’action indépendant de la voie PI3K-AKT
Jean-Marie Darbon
Open Access
Dossier thématique
Cancer incidence and survival among adolescents and young adults in France (1978-1997)
Emmanuel Desandes, Brigitte Lacour, Aurélien Belot, Mélanie White-Koning, Michel Velten, Brigitte Tretarre, Erik-André Sauleau, Nabil Maarouf, Anne-Valérie Guizard, Patricia Delafosse, Arlette Danzon, Christine Cotte, Sébastien Boutreux, Laurence Brugières
Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma in adolescents
Catherine Patte, Vincent Ribrag, Laurence Brugières
Compliance to treatment of adolescents with cancer
Mélanie White-Koning, Anne-Isabelle Bertozzi-Salamon, Michel Vignes, Catherine Arnaud
Information of teenagers with cancer : current state in French pediatric oncology units
Pauline Toutenu, Franck Chauvin
Adolescent confronting cancer and its place in the family
Aurélie Chavand, Hélène Grandjean, Michel Vignes
Schooling of young people with cancer
Céline Vignes, Emmanuelle Godeau, Anne-Isabelle Bertozzi-Salamon, Michel Vignes, Hélène Grandjean, Catherine Arnaud
Changes in chromosome number, genetic instability, and occupational exposures
Gwenaëlle Iarmarcovai, Alain Botta, Thierry Orsière
New tools in adjuvant breast cancer radiotherapy
Yazid Belkacémi, David Azria
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy in first-line combination treatment for advanced ovarian cancer
Christophe Massard, Catherine Lhommé, Patricia Pautier
To understand the words of cancer : Lexonco, dictionary of oncology SOR SAVOIR PATIENT for patients and relatives Methodological aspects
V. Delavigne, J. Carretier, Sylvie Brusco, L. Leichtnam-Dugarin, M. Déchelette, Thierry Philip
Article original
Erythropoietin levels in perioperative period in cancer patients
Sonia Gara, Abderraouf Ghanem, Habib Mtaallah, Yosr Gara, Awatef Jmal, Latifa Harzallah, Hammouda Boussen, Fethi Guemira