Bulletin du Cancer
Volume 89, issue 6, Juin 2002
Volume 89, issue 6, Juin 2002
Les gros cailloux à facettes du président de la SFC
Jean-Pierre Armand
Point sur…
Targeted treatment of cancers with imatinib mesylate (STI571, Gleevec): results of Asco 2002
Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Jean-Yves Blay
Gene expression profiling using cDNA arrays and prognosis of breast cancer
François Bertucci, Valéry Nasser, Rémi Houlgatte, Daniel Birnbaum
Amélie Lansiaux, Armelle Caty, Nathalie Deligny, Christian Bailly
Le cancéreux guéri
To be cured of breast cancer
Jean-Yves Bobin, Nicole Guiochet, Simone Saez
From cytogenetics to cytogenomics of thyroid tumors
Bernard Perissel, Alain Bernheim, Jérôme Couturier, Geneviève Fouilhoux, Philippe Vago, Groupe français de cytogénétique oncologique
The sentinel lymph node in carcinomas of the digestive tract
Dominique Elias, Philippe Lasser, Pierre Duvillard
Radio-chemotherapy associations in non operable localized non small cell lung carcinoma: actualities and perspectives
Ali Hasbini, Fabienne Ozanne, Hanifa Ammarguellat, Jacky Crequit, Thierry Dolige, Eric Bouchaert, Jean-Luc Dutel, Catherine Durdux
Specific aspects of the pre-anaesthetic consultation in patients with cancer
Abdelhak Karim, Marc Estève
Standards, Options et Recommandations
Standards, Options and Recommendations for the management of prostate cancer: therapeutic decision criteria
Pierre Pabot Du Chatelard, groupe de travail du SOR
Articles originaux
Cost of treatment and follow up of breast cancer: a retrospective assessment in a comprehensive cancer centre
Hervé Lilliu, Denise Stevens, Catherine Brun, Julie Morel, Claude Le Pen, Julia Bonastre, Florence Bachelot, Christian Davesne, Annie Gentile, Éric Hirlimann, Jean-Christophe Sabourin, Jacques Berlie, Jacques Rouëssé
A child and parent illustrating non-compliance with treatment: understanding non-compliance with treatment
Daniel Oppenheim, Olivier Hartmann, Arthur Ablin, Barbara Sourkes
Bloc note
Congrès et enseignements
La SFC communique
Société française du cancer