Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement

Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du  Vieillissement

Volume 21, issue 4, Décembre 2023


Volume 21, issue 4, Décembre 2023

Part A: Éditorial

En accès libre The French Union des gérontopôles de France: a national dynamic of regional mobilisations to meet the challenge of longevity (p.401-2)
Cédric Annweiler, Françoise Tenenbaum, Olivier Hanon, Kevin Charras, Gilles Berrut
Free Access

Part A: Synthèse

En accès libre Elderly onset Crohn’s disease: Clinical and therapeutic features (p.403-9)
Hanen Elloumi, Habiba Dabbebi
Free Access

En accès libre Vaccination in the elderly in sub-Saharan Africa: Relevance and scheduling model (p.410-8)
Massamba Ba, Assane Sall, Rokhaya Djajhete, Dalahata Ba, Mamadou Coume
Free Access

Part A: Article original

En accès libre Evaluation of ophthalmological follow-up of patients over 65 years old in primary care (p.419-26)
Clara Burel, Guillaume Chapelet, Gilles Berrut, Michel Weber, Jean-Baptiste Ducloyer
Free Access

En accès libre The use of melatonin in older patients hospitalized in geriatric units in France: survey of hospital pharmacists (p.427-36)
Coline Duquenne, Laura Menard, Sophie Dautricourt, Christelle Mouchoux, Teddy Novais
Free Access

En accès libre Validation of a method for detecting hospitalizations for falls related to adverse drug reactions in geriatric departments (p.437-46)
Céline Vaesken, Véronique Lelong Boulouard, Sophie Fedrizzi, Hiba Abidi, Hazel Richard, Alexandra Muzard, Pablo Descatoire, Cédric Villain, Alexandre Meurant
Free Access

En accès libre Prevention of elder abuse during hospitalization: evaluation of health professional’s work practices to better understand the risks (p.447-55)
Rafaelle Roth, Anne-Sophie Rigaud, Fanny Durig, Anne Chah-Walikian, Léna Kermanac’h, Matthieu Piccoli, Intza Hernandorena
Free Access

En accès libre Cross-perspectives on telemedicine in nursing homes: a survey of professionals involved in the setting-up of teleconsultations in nursing homes in Rennes area (p.457-67)
Lou Cady, Marie Costes, Emilie Andres, Franck Dillinger, Dominique Somme
Free Access

Part B: Éditorial

En accès libre Editorial (p.468)
Christian Derouesne
Free Access

Part B: Synthèse

En accès libre Episodic memory and Alzheimer’s disease: evolution of theories and clinical assessment tools (p.469-76)
Alix Launay, Laurence Taconnat, Sandrine Vanneste, Alexia Baudouin
Free Access

En accès libre Cognitive functioning in schizophrenia: a lifespan perspective (p.477-85)
Stephane Raffard
Free Access

Part B: Original article

En accès libre Non-pharmacological personalized therapies and home-based psychoeducational programs for Alzheimer patients and their caregivers: PsyDoMa, a French feasibility study (p.486-95)
Anne-Julie Vaillant-Ciszewicz, Alice Cuni, Laura Lantermino, Cassandra Quin, Philippe Robert, Roxane Fabre, Oriane Said, Olivier Guérin
Free Access

Part B: Article original

En accès libre How potentially inapropriate are psychotropic drugs prescribing in acute psychiatric unit for the elderly? Results from a large multicentric audit in France (p.496-505)
Morgane Houix, Ilia Humbert, Guillaume Mabileau, Guillaume Chapelet, Anne Sauvaget, Bénédicte Gohier, Sophie Armand-Branger, Jean-François Huon, Fanny D’Acremont, Samuel Bulteau
Free Access

En accès libre Impact of animal-assisted therapy on well-being in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (ELIAUT study) (p.506-16)
Eline Thirion, Solveig Rouissi, Virginie Dauphinot, Antoine Garnier-Crussard, Marie-Hélène Coste, Pierre Krolak-Salmon
Free Access

Part B: Agenda

En accès libre Agenda (p.517-8)

Free Access