Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement

Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du  Vieillissement

Volume 16, issue 4, Décembre 2018


Volume 16, issue 4, Décembre 2018

Gériatrie et gérontologie. Éditorial

En accès libre Freedom in nursing home: what does it mean? (p.340)
Gilles Berrut
Free Access

Gériatrie et gérontologie. Synthèse

En accès libre Telemedicine in elderly patients with heart failure (p.341-8)
Emmanuel Andrès, Abrar-Ahmad Zulfiqar, Samy Talha, Mohamed Hajjam, Jawad Hajjam, Sylvie Ervé, Amir El Hassani Hajjam
Free Access

Gériatrie et gérontologie. Articles originaux

En accès libre Clinical and paraclinical patterns of presentation, and sensitivity of diagnostic scores for pulmonary embolism at the emergencies: retrospective study on the impact of age at the University hospitals of Strasbourg (France) (p.349-58)
Alexandre Boussuge, Anne Boidevézi, Thomas Vogel, Elise Schmitt, François Lefebvre, Pascal Bilbault, Pierre-Oliver Lang
Free Access

En accès libre Benzodiazepines and frail elderly people: how prescribing can be optimized? (p.359-66)
Cécile Bérard, Cécile McCambridge, Sandrine Sourdet, Antoine Piau, Laure Rouch, Bruno Chicoulaa, Bruno Vellas, Philippe Cestac
Free Access

En accès libre Transfusion practices in geriatric short stay unit before and after the French national health authority guidelines of 2014 (p.367-75)
Magali Pellerey, Anne Laure Couderc, Vanessa Pauly, Stephane Gayet, Pierre Leveque, Barbara Mizzi, Nirvina Gobin, Pierre Caunes, Christine Clapasson, Jacques Chiaroni, Aurelie Daumas, Patrick Villani
Free Access

En accès libre Prognosis of geriatric patients with severe kidney disease (p.376-82)
Sophie Samso, Marc-Arthur Loko, Amélie Jamet, Françoise Bouthier-Quintard, Marc Paccalin, Evelyne Liuu
Free Access

En accès libre Impact of an awareness of the doctors treating on the decrease of the prescriptions of antipsychotics in the demented residents in Ehpad (p.383-90)
Anne-Sophie Philippe, David Braunstein, Priscilla Clot-Faybesse, Sylvie Teissier, Bénédicte Roch, Joëlle Micallef, Sylvie Bonin-Guillaume
Free Access

En accès libre Patients’ satisfaction after a geriatric assessment into primary care: data from FAP study (p.391-7)
Maxime Renoux, Bruno Chicoulaa, Christine Lagourdette, Emile Escourrou, Marion Secher, Stéphane Oustric, Bertrand Fougère
Free Access

Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Éditorial

En accès libre Éditorial (p.398)
Christian Derouesné
Free Access

Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Synthèses

En accès libre Helping caregivers of people with dementia: a need to renew theoretical frameworks in France (p.399-408)
Renaud Coppalle, Hervé Platel, Mathilde Groussard
Free Access

En accès libre Peripheral neuropathies and aging (p.409-13)
Marion Brisset, Guillaume Nicolas
Free Access

Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Articles originaux

En accès libre Emotional feeling in patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (p.414-22)
Johanna Unglik, Catherine Bungener, Daniel Delgadillo, François Salachas, Pierre François Pradat, Gaëlle Bruneteau, Timothée Lenglet, Nadine Le Forestier, Philippe Couratier, Yannick Vacher, Lucette Lacomblez
Free Access

En accès libre The functional communication scale for patients with neurodegenerative disease: development and validation of a French test evaluating residual communication skills (p.423-8)
Laurent Lefebvre, Josiane Bourgeois-Marcotte, Isabelle Simoes Loureiro, Laura Monetta
Free Access

En accès libre The mini-SKQ (semantic knowledge questionnaire): a quick screening tool to assess semantic memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease (p.429-38)
Isabelle Simoes Loureiro, Mathilda Taverne, Laurent Lefebvre
Free Access

En accès libre The psychosocial age: a tool to reduce the institutional stigma of elderly people with mental disorders (p.439-48)
Isabelle Dumand, Christophe Clesse, Samira Salime, Florian Lietard, Michel Decker, Joëlle Lighezzolo-Alnot, Martine Batt
Free Access

Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Agenda

En accès libre Agenda (p.449)

Free Access