Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement

Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du  Vieillissement

Volume 11, issue 1, Mars 2013


Volume 11, issue 1, Mars 2013

Gériatrie et gérontologie. Éditorial

En accès libre Editorial (p.5-6)
Cédric Annweiler
Free Access

Gériatrie et gérontologie. Synthèse

En accès libre Influenza and pneumococcal vaccine coverage among patients admitted to an acute geriatric unit (p.7-14)
Claire Vanhaecke Collard, Jean-Luc Novella, Rachid Mahmoudi
Free Access

En accès libre Preventable drug events in acute geriatric unit (p.15-20)
Émilie Berthoux, Claire Dufour, Emmanuel Raharisondraibe, Marc Bonnefoy
Free Access

Gériatrie et gérontologie. Article original

En accès libre What use general practitioners do they tests and scales referred to geriatric? (p.21-31)
Paolo Di Patrizio, Emmanuelle Blanchet, Christine Perret-Guillaume, Athanase Benetos
Free Access

En accès libre Prevalence and issues of screening for alcohol consumption among elderly inpatients admitted to acute geriatric inpatient unit (p.33-41)
Amel Henni, Claire Bideau, Xavier Routon, Gilles Berrut, Jennyfer Cholet
Free Access

En accès libre First year prognosis of patients hospitalized in an acute geriatric ward with a known dementia or newly diagnosed (p.43-8)
Anne-Laure Vétillard, Laetitia Grandcollot, Laurent Lechowski, Marine Le Crane, Bertrand Denis, Lucie Aubert, Sophie Van Pradelles, Florence Muller de Schongor, Zina Seridi, Danièle Tortrat, Laurent Teillet
Free Access

En accès libre Refusal of application to care in Alzheimer's disease and related diseases: establishment of a mobile unit hospital extra (p.49-55)
Julien Collignon, Isabelle Rouch, Régis Gonthier, Aude Corbin-Seguin, Lorraine Combe, Béatrice Trombert-Paviot, Bernard Laurent, Chantal Girtanner
Free Access

Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Éditorial

En accès libre Editorial (p.56)
Christian Derouesné
Free Access

Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Synthèse

En accès libre Hemispheric asymmetry modulation for language processing in aging: meta-analysis of studies using the dichotic listening test (p.57-64)
Elodie Vanhoucke, Emilie Cousin, Monica Baciu
Free Access

En accès libre James Parkinson (1755-1824) revisited (p.65-72)
Jacques Poirier
Free Access

En accès libre Quality of life in dementia: definitions, difficulties and interest of evaluation (p.73-81)
Jean-Bernard Mabire, Marie-Claire Gay
Free Access

En accès libre Remembering for the benefit of aging (p.82-6)
Nicole Caza
Free Access

En accès libre Non-pharmacological therapies for language deficits in the agrammatic and logopenic variants of primary progressive aphasia: a literature review (p.87-97)
Sonia Routhier, Karine Gravel-Laflamme, Joël Macoir
Free Access

En accès libre Musical long-term memory throughout the progression of Alzheimer disease (p.99-109)
Mathilde Groussard, Caroline Mauger, Hervé Platel
Free Access

Psychologie et neuropsychiatrie. Agenda

En accès libre Agenda (p.111-2)

Free Access