Volume 9, numéro 4, December 2007
Original article
Treatment of pediatric epilepsy: European expert opinion, 2007
James W. Wheless, Dave F. Clarke, Alexis Arzimanoglou, Daniel Carpenter
Article offert
Self-induced stretch syncope of adolescence: a video-EEG documentation
Michel Mazzuca, Pierre Thomas
Article offert
Clinical evaluation of attentional processes in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS)
Laëtitia Deltour, Véronique Quaglino, Marion Barathon, Alain De Broca, Patrick Berquin
Article offert
Are dyslexia and dyscalculia associated with Rolandic epilepsy? A short report on ten Italian patients
Carlotta Canavese, Roberto Rigardetto, Vilma Viano, Roberta Vittorini, Bianca Bassi, Ilaria Pieri, Giorgio Capizzi
Article offert
Granular cell dispersion and bilamination: two distinct histopathological patterns in epileptic hippocampi?
Alexandre V. Silva, Jean-Christophe Houzel, Ingrid Croaro, Elza Márcia Targas Yacubian, João Norberto Stavale, Ricardo Silva Centeno, Esper Abrão Cavalheiro
Article offert
Invited Editorial Comment
Children with epilepsy: are they the same on both sides of the Atlantic, and do the same treatments work?
Alexis Arzimanoglou, James W Wheless
Article offert
Mind-stretching faints
Roland D Thijs, J Gert van Dijk, John BP Stephenson, Wouter Wieling
Article offert
Clinical commentary with video sequences
Bilateral symmetric tonic posturing suggesting propagation to the supplementary motor area in a patient with precuneate cortical dysplasia
Shuichi Umeoka, Koichi Baba, Kiyohito Terada, Kazumi Matsuda, Takayasu Tottori, Naotaka Usui, Keiko Usui, Fumihiro Nakamura, Yushi Inoue, Tateki Fujiwara, Tadahiro Mihara
Article offert
Ipsilateral blinking seizures during left fronto-temporal ictal pattern on scalp EEG
Elia M Pestana, Ajay Gupta
Article offert
Gelastic seizures: not always hypothalamic hamartoma
Christina S Cheung, Andrew G Parrent, Jorge G Burneo
Article offert
Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum in a patient with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Harpreet K Grewal, Ameer Almullahassani, Jai Grewal, Jeremy D Slater
Article offert
Letter to the Editor
Switching from branded to generic antiepileptic drugs as a confounding factor and unpredictable diagnostic pitfall in epilepsy management
Carlo Di Bonaventura, Jinane Fattouch, Giovanni Fabbrini, Mario Manfredi, Massimiliano Prencipe, Teresa A. Giallonardo
Article offert
Book review
Benign focal epilepsies in infancy, childhood and adolescence
Paolo Tinuper
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