Volume 24, numéro 3, June 2022
Seminar in epileptology
Seizure semiology: ILAE glossary of terms and their significance
Sándor Beniczky, William O. Tatum, Hal Blumenfeld, Hermann Stefan, Jayanti Mani, Louis Maillard, Firas Fahoum, Kollencheri Puthenveettil Vinayan, Luis Carlos Mayor, Maria Vlachou, Seeck Margitta, Philippe Ryvlin, Kahane Philippe
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Original articles
Measuring expertise in identifying interictal epileptiform discharges
Nitish M. Harid, Jin Jing, Jacob Hogan, Fábio A. Nascimento, An Ouyang, Wei-Long Zheng, Wendong Ge, Sahar F. Zafar, Jennifer A. Kim, D. Lam Alice, Aline Herlopian, Douglas Maus, Ioannis Karakis, Marcus Ng, Shenda Hong, Zhu Yu, Peter W. Kaplan, Sydney Cash, Mouhsin Shafi, Gabriel Martz, Jonathan J. Halford, Michael Brandon Westover
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Improved access to rapid electroencephalography at a community hospital reduces inter-hospital transfers for suspected non-convulsive seizures
Evan Samuel Madill, Kapil Gururangan, Prashanth Krishnamohan
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Somatomotor or somatosensory facial manifestations in patients with temporobasal epilepsies
Delphine Taussig, Olivier David, Ana Maria Petrescu, Anca Nica, Eric Seigneuret, Georg Dorfmüller, Mohamed Choukri, Nozar Aghakhani, Viviane Bouilleret
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Differential impact of antenatal exposure to antiseizure medications on motor and mental development in infants of women with epilepsy
Sanjeev V. Thomas, Panniyammakal Jeemon, Manna Jose, Lekshmi Madhavan Amrithum, Deepa Bhaskar, Muttathu Krishnapanicker Chandrasekharan Nair, Babu George
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Epilepsy with myoclonic absences: a case series highlighting clinical heterogeneity and surgical management
Emma G. Carter, Eric A. Armour, Lindsay M. Pagano, Shilpa B. Reddy
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Isolated aphasic status epilepticus: CT perfusion, SPECT and EEG reveal neurovascular coupling and support the differential diagnosis
Paolo Manganotti, Giovanni Furlanis, Maria Assunta Cova, Sasha Olivo, Franca Dore, Arianna Sartori, Marcello Naccarato
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Typical absence status epilepticus in older people: syndromic delineation
José L. Fernández-Torre, Miguel A. Hernández-Hernández, Pedro Orizaola, Alicia Paramio-Paz, José L. Vázquez-Higuera, Enrique Marco de Lucas
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Déjà-vu evoked by electrical stimulation of the insula
Dènahin Hinnoutondji Toffa, Elie Bou Assi, Catherine Pépin, Laurence Martineau, Manon Robert, Alain Bouthillier, Dang Khoa Nguyen
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Clinical commentaries
Possible critical region associated with late-onset spasms in 17p13.1-p13.2 microdeletion syndrome: a report of two new cases and review of the literature
Naohiro Yamamoto, Shin Okazaki, Ichiro Kuki, Naoki Yamada, Shizuka Nagase, Megumi Nukui, Takeshi Inoue, Rie Kawakita, Tohru Yorifuji, Takao Hoshina, Toshiyuki Seto, Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Hisashi Kawawaki
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First reported case of an inherited PACS2 pathogenic variant with variable expression
Elisabetta Cesaroni, Sara Matricardi, Silvia Cappanera, Carla Marini
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Trisomy 20p/monosomy 18p associated with congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome
Claudia M. Bonardi, Allan Bayat, Camilla Gøbel Madsen, Trine B. Hammer, Chiara Reale, Elena Gardella, Dragan Marjanovic, Sandor Beniczky, Rikke S. Møller, Guido Rubboli
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ITPA-associated developmental and epileptic encephalopathy: characteristic neuroradiological features with novel clinical and biochemical findings
Meenal Garg, Jatinder Goraya, Gurpreet Kochar, Vivek Jain
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The neural networks underlying the illusion of time dilation: case study and literature survey
Mubbahsir Sheikh, Mohamad Koubeissi, R. Todd Constable, Dennis D. Spencer, Rafeed Alkawadri
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Cortical unihemispheric brain edema (CUBE) due to a multi-system inflammatory syndrome in adults (MIS-A)
Boby Varkey Maramattom, Tejaswi Rao
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Case vignettes
STAMBP gene mutation causing microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome: a recognizable developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
Vaishakh Anand, Bhawana Aggarwal, Prashant Jauhari, Manoj Kumar, Neerja Gupta, Atin Kumar, Sheffali Gulati, Madhulika Kabra
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Intractable startle epilepsy in Schuurs – Hoeijmakers syndrome
Kento Ohta, Tohru Okanishi, Sotaro Kanai, Tetsuya Okazaki, Ayataka Fujimoto, Yoshihiro Maegaki
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Recurrent autoimmune encephalitis related to immune checkpoint inhibitors
Merve Hazal Ser, Nilay Şengül Samanci, Naziye AK, Adnan Aydiner, Çiğdem Özkara
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Brivaracetam for dyskinetic cerebral palsy
Vasileios Papaliagkas, Konstantinos Notas, Evangelia Chatzikyriakou, Maria Moschou, Sevasti Bostanjopoulou, Georgios Hadjigeorgiou, Vasilios K. Kimiskidis
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Multimedia teaching materials
Laser ablation for refractory mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Fábio A. Nascimento, Vasileios Kokkinos, Britt C. Emerton, Lauren B. Bolden, Athar N. Malik, Lidia MVR. Moura, R. Mark Richardson
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Hippocampal sclerosis caused by repetitive parieto-insular seizures through a possible kindling mechanism
Álvaro Beltrán-Corbellini, Rafael Toledano, Juan Álvarez-Linera, Ingmar Blümke, Ángel Aledo-Serrano, Fernando Acebrón, Irene García-Morales, Antonio Gil-Nagel
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Letters to the editor
Learning about e-learning – the 34th International Epilepsy Congress experience
Fábio A. Nascimento, Mustafa A. Kural, Sándor Beniczky
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A new collaborative research project on cultural and social aspects of epilepsy: the “International Research in Epilepsy (IR-Epil) Consortium”
Ali A. Asadi-Pooya, Eugen Trinka, Francesco Brigo
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Epilepsy and clinically latent cerebrovascular disease
Nevio Cimolai
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Nanotechnology may provide hope for patients with glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome
Ali A. Asadi-Pooya, Esmaeil Mirzaei
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