Environnement, Risques & Santé

Environnement, Risques & Santé

Volume 17, supplement 1, April 2018

Pharmaceutical residues in water


Volume 17, supplement 1, April 2018


En accès libre Does the presence of pharmaceutical residues in the environment lead to health risks? (p.5-6)
Yves Lévi
Free Access

Synthèses et Articles originaux/General Reviews and Original Articles

En accès libre Review of wastewater, surface water and groundwater contamination by pharmaceuticals (p.7-14)
Anne Togola
Free Access

En accès libre Assessing contamination in drinking water: a global approach (p.15-21)
Christophe Rosin, Jean-Sébastien Py, Nicole Rimlinger, Christelle Pallez, Adeline Colin, Gwenn Vo Van Regnault, Jean-François Munoz
Free Access

En accès libre Pharmaceutical residues in the marine environment (p.22-8)
Elena Gomez, Hélène Fenet, Bénilde Bonnefille, Marie-Laure Teisseire, Frédérique Courant
Free Access

En accès libre An assessment of the environment and health risks of drug residues in water: a guide for management decisions (p.29-39)
Claude Casellas, Yves Lévi
Free Access

En accès libre Spread of antibiotic resistance in water: a public health and environmental issue (p.40-6)
Fabienne Petit
Free Access

En accès libre Pharmaceuticals in the environment and their treatment in wastewater treatment plants (p.47-58)
Christophe Dagot
Free Access

En accès libre SIPIBEL: a pilot site for studying hospital and urban sewage. Key lessons from five years of monitoring and research (p.59-74)
Vivien Lecomte, Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski, Agnès Bouchez, Benoît Cournoyer, Christophe Dagot, Adriana Gonzalez-Ospina, Jérôme Labanowski, Yves Lévi, Yves Perrodin, Laure Wiest
Free Access

En accès libre Biological and chemical-ozone oxidation of emerging micropolluants in wastewater treatment plants (p.75-83)
Adriana Gonzalez-Ospina, Bruno Domenjoud, Emmanuelle Vulliet, Sylvie Bony, Sylvie Baig
Free Access

En accès libre Initiatives of the AFB to support research on aquatic environment contamination by drug and personal-care product residues: pharmaceuticals, healthcare biocides and personal-care products (p.84-99)
Pierre-François Staub
Free Access

En accès libre Out-of-date drugs and data on user practices for unused drugs (p.100-3)
Thierry Moreau Defarges
Free Access